Auto Contact Backup & Transfer App
Losing your contacts might be a bit scary when they are not backed up. If you are worried about this, then worry no more. Here is a unique application to help you out. The Auto Contact Backup and Transfer App is the ideal app for you to use in backing up your contacts.
This is a simple, user-friendly android application which helps back-up your contacts and restores them when you lose them. This simple application can also be used in transferring contacts between Android phones. This application ensures you safe transfer of contacts, automatic contact back-up and easy to get by processes. The Auto Contact Backup and Transfer App save users the stress of having to backup contacts manually each time a new contact is added to the phone. Here are the features of The Auto Contact Backup and Transfer App in details:
Automatic Contact Backup
This application has the special feature of backing up your contacts on its own. Backing up your contacts on your android phone with this app is very easy. After downloading the application, the user needs to sign in. After the sign in, the app will synchronize your contacts for the first time. After the synchronization, the app begins to work automatically. Unlike other applications where you have to manually backup contacts every time you add a new contact to your phone, the Auto Contact Backup, and Transfer App automatically back it up for you thereby saving you the stress of doing it manually.
Restoring Contacts
You might in one way or the other lose your phone. It can get stolen or due to a malware get erased. There is no need to panic in fear of losing important contacts when this happens. The Auto Contact Backup and Transfer App have solved this issue. You can quickly restore contacts at any time with this app. You simply need to download the app on your new phone. After downloading the application, you need to signs in with your account details using this app on the new phone and his contacts will be restored on the new phone.
Transferring Contacts
When you get a new phone, you begin to think of how to transfer your contacts from the old phone to the new one. Transferring your contacts from one android phone to another has been made easy with this contact transfer app. A user has to install the application on the new phone which will enable him to transfer the contacts from the old phone to the new phone.
This unique application eliminates the manual method of backing up your contacts each time you add a new contact. The processes of signing in, synchronization and restoring of contacts are all easy to understand by the user. It is the ideal app for any android phone user to ensure that he never loses his contacts. Transferring contacts with this app provides a user-friendly process which is safe and your contacts in the process of transfer cannot get misplaced.